Friday, June 17, 2011

Dear Lucas Arts - How about a New Major Plot Device

Dear Lucas Arts and Del Rey,

There has been something bugging me about Star Wars books for the last 7 years or so, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. There has just been something slightly off about the Universe, a flavor that seems strange.

I have figured it out.

When Fate of the Jedi ends, and new series come out, can they please, please be about something other than Jedi going crazy? The major series since NJO have all been about Jedi going crazy.

1. Denning's Killik Trilogy - Jedi answering strange calls and acting crazy.
2. Legacy of the Force - Jacen responding to visions by going Sith and crazy.
3. Fate of the Jedi - Oh look, lots of young Jedi influenced by Abeloth going crazy.

The only novel in the time line post NJO that hasn't been about Jedi going crazy was Millennium Falcon - except even it has a crazy Jedi popping up in it.

Can we have a different idea or topic that moves or spurs the plot? How about villains that the heroes fight against - that's a good, classic one.

Thanks to all concerned,

The EU, the Bad, and the Ugly

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